
New Data Science Institute-Director

New Data Science Institute-Director

The University of Delaware establishes a new institute to accelerate research in data science, and a pioneer in the interdisciplinary field, tapped from UD’s faculty ranks, will lead it.

Searching for the Big Picture

Searching for the Big Picture

NIH grant helps UD scientists make biomedical research easier to peruse. Imagine sorting through tens of thousands of articles and getting the gist in just a few minutes.

Apps for High-Powered Computing

Apps for High-Powered Computing

Computer scientists at the University of Delaware team up with members of the Oak Ridge National Lab to program apps for next-generation supercomputer.

Female Engineering Pioneers

Female Engineering Pioneers

Meet 21 women who made history in UD’s College of Engineering The University of Delaware is committed to the success of women in engineering. Our efforts to increase diversity in our College of Engineering were discussed in a recent Q&A. In honor of Women’s...

Engineering’s Lena Mashayekhy Wins Early Career Award

Engineering’s Lena Mashayekhy Wins Early Career Award

UD computer science assistant professor honored for excellence in cloud computing Lena Mashayekhy, an assistant professor in the University of Delaware’s Department of Computer and Information Sciences, has received the IEEE TCSC Award for Excellence for Early Career...

Detecting Hidden Threat

Detecting Hidden Threat

UD professor and post-doctoral fellow develop technology to help soldiers spot explosive devices Soldiers in combat have to constantly scan their surroundings for improvised explosive devices (IEDs), a signature weapon of modern warfare. These homemade bombs are often...

In Memoriam: George E. Collins

In Memoriam: George E. Collins

George E. Collins, a Distinguished Research Professor at the University of Delaware from 1985-86 and 1995-2002, died Nov. 21, 2017

Five Decades of Computer Science

Five Decades of Computer Science

Emeritus professor Sandra Carberry reflects on successes, challenges The first time Sandra Carberry worked with a computer, she wasn’t impressed. It was 1961, and Carberry was a teenager attending an eight-week summer workshop on math and computers. These early...

Mining for Cancer Clues

Mining for Cancer Clues

UD computer scientist uses text mining to advance personalized cancer treatment Doctors have many weapons in the fight against cancer, but choosing the right one can be a challenge. Soon they will have a new resource to inform them about treatment options. A group of...

Parallel Programming

Parallel Programming

Sunita Chandrasekaran, an assistant professor of computer and information sciences at the University of Delaware professor, has co-edited the first printed textbook on the subject: OpenACC for Programmers: Concepts and Strategies along with her colleague Dr. Guido Juckeland, Head of computational science at Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) in Germany.

Computer Science for Everyone

Computer Science for Everyone

A new law will require every public high school in Delaware to offer at least one course in computer science. When Delaware Gov. John Carney signed the bill, two University of Delaware professors and advocates for computer science education attended as invited guests.