Scholarship Success

Scholarship Success

Computer science student first from UD to win Adobe Women in Technology Scholarship When Kristina Holsapple enrolled as a college student at the University of Delaware — marking the first generation in her family to do so — she originally planned to pursue a career in...
Stellar Student

Stellar Student

UD computer science major Lauren Baron is making her mark If Lauren Baron is any representation of the up-and-coming generation of scientists and engineers, then our future is going to be filled with innovative solutions. At just 21 years old, this University of...
2022 CIS Honors Day Awards

2022 CIS Honors Day Awards

CIS is celebrated the 2022 Honors’ Day ceremony on May 7th, 2022, with a breakfast for the award recipients. Faculty, staff, award sponsors and donors participated in this special event to congratulate and commemorate our award winners. Qinqi Zhang, Steven Geracimos...
Concentrating on Connections

Concentrating on Connections

UD professor and collaborator mine literature, electronic health records for connections between HIV and substance abuse More than 36 million people worldwide live with HIV, 1.2 million in the United States alone. While the lifespan of those living with HIV has...
New Atomic Data Portal

New Atomic Data Portal

UD’s Safronova, Eigenmann and collaborators share the power of precision atomic physics Even if you’re one of the most precise physicists on the planet — as University of Delaware Professor Marianna Safronova is — you still will need collaborators whose skills...
Interdisciplinary Problem Solving

Interdisciplinary Problem Solving

Computing, engineering and polymer sciences converge in new NSF doctoral traineeship Big-name chemical companies like DuPont and W.L. Gore have complex materials problems to solve. The trouble is they’re in need of well-rounded researchers to find the solutions...