Paths to science careers

Paths to science careers

Hands-on research puts student scholars on paths to STEM careers You could hear the excitement in Michelle Francis’s voice as the University of Delaware senior described her research in the Department of Medical Technology to crosslink snake venom protein to melanoma...
Helping Haiti

Helping Haiti

UD senior creates English to Creole translator for XO laptops Eric McGinnis doesn’t like to play games; rather, he likes to create them. During the fall of his junior year at the University of Delaware, McGinnis took a course called CISC 374, Educational Games...
May 3: CIS lecture series

May 3: CIS lecture series

Georgia Tech’s Bader to discuss scalability challenges in high performance computing Can diseases in human populations be detected and prevented? How many currents can one electrical power grid handle? Who detects the community structure of large social...
Making learning fun, accessible

Making learning fun, accessible

UD students create math games for middle school children University of Delaware senior Bryan Mey understands that in order for kids to play a game, it has to be fun. He also knows that children are social by nature and enjoy playing games together. These are some of...
UDRF grants

UDRF grants

University of Delaware Research Foundation awards six projects The University of Delaware Research Foundation (UDRF), a nonprofit organization supporting fundamental research in all fields of science at UD, has awarded six strategic initiative grants for collaborative...
Computing connections

Computing connections

Computer science and engineering students gain valuable networking experience Students from the Departments of Computer and Information Sciences (CIS) and Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) gained valuable networking and presentation experience by representing...