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BS Computer Science

All Bachelor of Science Computer Science programs are built around the common computer science core. The core includes the comprehensive introductory computer science sequence—which provides all students with the fundamentals in systems and application programming, data structures, machine organization, software engineering, theory, written communication, and ethics—as well as a two-semester capstone sequence.

Each concentration program extends the core with a “deep dive” into a specific field. All of the programs provide an excellent foundation for further study at the graduate level, as well as for exciting careers in a variety of positions in industry and research institutes. BS Computer Science students are especially encouraged to become involved in one of the many departmental research projects.

Common Two-Year Plan

All BS Computer Science programs, with few exceptions, follow a common plan in the first two years, allowing students to become familiar with the different areas before choosing a concentration. The concentration should be chosen by the end of the second year.

Common Two-Year Plan

EGGG 101 Introduction to Engineering (FYE) 2   CISC 181 Introduction to Computer Science II 3
CISC 108 Introduction to Computer Science I 3   CISC 210 Introduction to Systems Programming 3
MATH 241 Analytic Geometry & Calculus A 4   MATH 242 Free Elective 1/6 (MATH242 recommended) 4
ENGL 110 Seminar in composition 3     Breadth Requirement (2/5) 3
  Breadth Requirement (1/5) 3     Breadth Requirement (3/5) 3
CISC 220 Data Structures 3   CISC 355 Computers Ethics & Society 3
CISC 260 Machine Org. & Assembly Language 3   CISC 275 Introduction to Software Engineering 3
MATH 210 Discrete Mathematics I 3   MATH 205 or MATH 350 Statistical Methods or Probability Theory and Simulation Methods 3
  Science Requirement (1/2) 4     Science Requirement (2/2) 4
  Free Elective 2/6 (MATH243 recommended) 3     Breadth Requirement (and Multicultural Requirement) (4/5) 3
Notes on specific degree paths.
MATH 242 is required for the Bioinformatics, Data Science, High Performance Computing, and Theory concentrations, and for the traditional program.
MATH 243 is required for the Data Science and High Performance Computing concentrations.
Science Requirement must be CHEM 103-104 or CHEM 107-108 for the Bioinformatics concentration.
MATH 205 is explicitly required for the Data Science concentration.
MATH 350 is explicitly required for the Data track of the High Performance Computing concentration.
Refer to the catalog page for a description of acceptable courses for individual requirements.


BS Computer Science Program Options

Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Concentration

How do automatic translation apps work? How do driverless cars “see” the road? What has been behind the recent streak of computer programs beating human world champions at all kinds of games? The AI and Robotics concentration is concerned with understanding the building blocks of cognition, as well as applying them to the development of systems that are able to perform tasks traditionally associated with human brainpower, dexterity, and/or mobility. Courses in this concentration will cover abstract notions of intelligence, including logical reasoning, knowledge representation, language, and planning; a spectrum of methods for pattern analysis and learning-by-example, including deep learning and neural networks; and skills for embodied agents, such as perception (via visual and other sensors), navigation, and interaction.

Standard Program
Honors Program

Bioinformatics Concentration

Bioinformatics lies at the intersection of computational science and biology. The field has gained impact in recent years as biology becomes increasingly data-centric and quantitative. There is a growing need for individuals with training in biology, chemistry, and computer science. This concentration combines a background in life sciences with expertise in computational methods to fill this need. Students successfully completing this concentration will be well-prepared for graduate studies in computer science or bioinformatics and for a variety of interdisciplinary careers in industry and in health and research institutes.

Standard Program
Honors Program 

Cybersecurity Concentration

Backdoor vulnerabilities. Denial of service attacks. Viruses, worms, and cyberintrusions. Massive security breaches at major corporations, government facilities, and other institutions are announced on a regular basis. Is it any surprise that cybersecurity experts are among the most in-demand computer science professionals? Students in this concentration study the whole spectrum of vulnerabilities as well as countermeasures to defend against them. Learn how to design secure software/hardware systems and networks; explore intrusion detection, cryptographic protocols, firewalls, and access control, among other topics.

Standard Program
Honors Program

Data Science Concentration

Data is everywhere. Large and diverse datasets representing every aspect of modern life are now available. These data come in a variety of forms that can be either structured or unstructured. Data science is concerned with translating these disparate data sources into useful knowledge, through application of techniques drawn from computer science, mathematics, and statistics. The data science concentration provides the core background necessary for representing, analyzing, managing and putting these datasets to use in real-world applications. This concentration combines courses in advanced mathematics, statistics, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data mining, preparing students to make contributions in this highly interdisciplinary field.

Standard Program
Honors Program

High Performance Computing Concentration

High Performance Computing researchers and engineers are applying the world’s most powerful computers to a wide array of scientific and engineering challenges, including climate modeling, weather prediction, the design of aircraft, skyscrapers, and automobiles, the development of new pharmaceuticals and medical treatments, modeling of the human brain, galactic interaction, and the nature of matter. The HPC concentration delves into all aspects of these advanced computing systems, from the hardware level to the programming languages, parallel algorithms, mathematical underpinnings, and applications. The concentration also offers a choice between a data track which focuses on data analysis and statistics, and an applied mathematics track which focuses on the mathematical tools used to model real-world phenomena.

Standard Program
Honors Program

Systems and Networks Concentration

Are you interested in implementing a new programming language or a virtual machine for a new computer or network architecture? Contributing to the next operating system or Internet of everything? Improving the security of software and networks? Then the Systems and Networks concentration is for you. Through a range of courses covering operating systems, compilers, architecture, networks, and cybersecurity, students learn how modern computational systems function from the application layer all the way down to the hardware-software interface.

Standard Program
Honors Program

Theory and Computation Concentration

The Theory and Computation concentration bridges the mathematics-computer science interface. Applications flow in both directions: mathematical concepts, such as formal logic, automata, and models of computation, form the theoretical foundation of computer science, while computational methods are widely used in many areas of mathematics, including linear algebra, graph theory, differential equations, algebra, theorem proving, and algorithmic analysis. The concentration offers a broad spectrum of courses in these and other subjects in mathematics and computer science. Students in the concentration have a choice between a discrete and a continuous track.

Standard Program
Honors Program

Traditional Program with Custom Focus Area

Don’t see a concentration that appeals to you? The “traditional” BS in Computer Science extends the Computer Science core with additional science, mathematics, and advanced computer science courses. This program includes a 12-credit “focus area” which students can tailor to their individual interests, in consultation with their advisors. The focus area courses are selected in consultation with the student’s advisor in the second year. These courses may be a mix of computer science courses and advanced courses from other departments, all related to the focus area. These must be advanced courses, typically at the 300 level or above, or requiring prerequisites of other courses in the same department. The focus areas courses must be approved by the advisor before the student takes the courses.

Standard Program
Honors Program

Spectrum Scholars

UD’s Spectrum Scholars program promotes a welcoming environment for undergraduate students with autism at UD that enhances their ability to thrive in academic environments and campus life. In collaboration with JPMorgan Chase & Co. and administered by the University’s Center for Disabilities Studies, undergraduate students with autism receive comprehensive coaching and career development opportunities during their undergraduate experience as they work toward a successful career.